Gallery 5 - Off Stage in Montreal, Canada     

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On stage with the Folkers

The ladies

At the bar

1/1000 of the crowd in McKibbins


Ross plays the blues

Ross trys to get Bernard sounding better

fiddlin' Brian steals the show


Drinking shots - round 4

What is Todd at behind you pair?

JK getting his ear cleaned

Say cheese

No..let me sing


Off stage

JK and Bernard on the streets of Montreal

Bernard, JK and Kev

Getting setup for TV interview

Just eat it John - it's only syrup

What is Kev at?

John and Erin

Finishing his last cigarette

Erin and the band

Relaxing back at the pad

Still relaxing back at the pad

Johnny and Bill at the parade

Photographing JK photographing

Wake up Todd!

Ban these holligans

Erin and Todd

It takes Three Baby...yeah

Enjoying the craic

Meet the staff - cheers for the pints

JK tells Erin the 'Best Joke in the World'

Oh my good God!

Mal stealing a kiss, JK waiting for his!

Say cheese!

The folkers and the Canadian TV crew

Johnny and Trudy

After a fine meal

Who's in the spotlight?

Shane McGowan suck!

Kev and Trudy

Colm, John and Fiona

JK :10, Bernard :1

Fiona and Colm

Why the big smile Kev?

3 beauties with the ugly half of the band

Nice add for Guiness!


John trying to talk to Trudy via Ann Marie's earhole!

Martin (no eyes), JK, Bernard and Erin

Erin & Johnny

Stuck in the middle with pooh!

Ice Sculpture


Rock DJ (s)

Pipers on St Patricks Day

John and his fans





Web Design by J. Kearney 2005

This site was last updated 06/26/06